
Stuart Moore is a partner in a film and animation production company Sundog Media – alongside commercial commissions and training we produce our own films which are screened around the world. Several have been toured by the British Council. My experimental documentary Sea Front received a Media Innovation Award for Independent Film and won a prize at the London Short Film Festival Festival – the Trick of the Light Award for “the most gorgeous looking film.” It is included in the Britfilm Catalogue 2011.

A strand of my work has been mentoring young people for organisations such as First Light and the Bristol Natural History Partnership. Notable successes include guiding a local school team to an RSC Bill Bryson Prize for their animation about ocean acidification and a very challenging project on the subject of hidden harm with Plymouth City Council’s safeguarding team, for which we received praise from Ofsted.

Areas of research interest are ecology, environment and place; wellbeing, health and social care; and 360 cinema & immersion.

Over the years I’ve run many workshops in photography, video, filmmaking and animation. I’ve lectured in photography at Falmouth (then School of Art), moving image at Plymouth College of Art & Design and was Programme Leader Media Production teaching moving image and new media at the University of St Mark & St John. While at Marjon I was also Associate Lecturer with Plymouth University – strand leader for experimental film, digital cinematography and film-making for the second year BA Media Arts module Independent Practice.  Since starting a funded full-time PhD at UWE Bristol I have stopped lecturing work.

Current research is focussed on the postdigital archive and 360 degree cinema. I co-curated a weekend festival of artists’ moving image Welcome to the Treasuredome for Weymouth 2012 in Plymouth University’s spectacular ICCI 360 Arena and received a Marjon major research award for work on digital archives.