Slapton recording, December 2020

Recording the waves. Image Credit – Kayla Parker
Recording voiceover. Image Credit – Kayla Parker

Slapton Sands standing in for Dungeness to record voiceover. A bitterly cold day for sound recording in south Devon in December 2020, using a Sennheiser MS stereo pair in a Rycote windshield recording on a Zoom F4.

Spending time at Slapton took me back to a music festival on the beach many years ago with my dear friend Robert Surgey (RIP) travelling there in his mum’s tiny Mini pickup.

It also reminded me of filming underwater along that coast with Laurie Emberson for the BBC. Let’s just say it was a different era in terms of health and safety! I remember being in our small rib off Start Point (which is visible distantly in the first picture) with Laurie trying to restart the outboard for what seemed an age after we had been filming on a small wreck in the afternoon. We drifted out to sea despite my efforts to row towards shore in a thick 6mm drysuit while Laurie pulled on the starter cord. Thankfully the engine eventually fired up.

This audio recording session was an early adventure after the Covid lockdowns in the UK where travel was prohibited beyond some hazy notion of ‘local’.