Traces of Experience

home made business card
Both sides of Gierke’s business card from Aurora 2009

In 2009 I attended the Aurora Festival in Norwich, Norfolk, UK. There were two programmes of Super 8 films by Berlin-based artist Milena Gierke.

Gierke introduced her film selection – she chose reels of Super 8 from her collection to share with the Aurora audience – and spoke about their filming context. She was sitting behind me with festival director Adam Pugh whilst Hogge (@photosonics) projected her films from the rear of the auditorium, watching her films over my shoulder.

2009 was the last Aurora festival and in the years since the website disappeared and now the domain is up for sale. A few fragments remain on the Wayback machine:

My recollection of those films is hazy, some images remain (helped by the titles on the linked page above) although the experiential memories are at least as strong. The well-known Scottish filmmaker pissing around with someone from the ICO in the row in front, Gierke sat behind, the old seats of Norwich Arts Centre, the sound of the projector at the rear of the large auditorium.

Chatting to Milena next to Hogge and the projector after the screening, she handed over the homemade business card seen above.