Father-land at NiMAC in October 18

Exhibtion poster over Nimac entrance

Our film will be part of the Layers of Visibility exhibition alongside Ar(t)chaeology in NiMAC from 19/10/18 to 12/01/2019. The ICPT photography conference takes place during the exhibition where we’ll present a paper on Father-land.

The exhibition catalogue and poster has my image looking out from the residency apartment. Professor Liz Wells selected it in part for the connection between the venetian blinds and the Venetian history of the old city.

The Colour of Dreams

They Shall Not Grow Old

There is a fierce debate raging on CML’s [cml-film] under the thread title “Don’t call it a documentary”. It concerns the colourisation of WW1 archive footage by Peter Jackson in They Shall Not Grow Old. For some the colourised footage brings the soldiers and action to life, often suggesting that younger people can relate more strongly to the coloured lifelike representation. Others disagree and also point out that  the original black and white footage is often viewed as extremely poor quality digitised copies. 


Adam Forslund wrote: What is interesting to me is when I was a kid my grandmother (Born in 1921) and I were talking about dreams and she said “Sometimes I dream in Technicolor.” To which we had a long discussion about how she normally would dream in B&W. With science and history pointing out that humans have not always viewed colors the same way or at all. With all those that did see the war first hand gone then the war lives on in B&W.
Colorizing film for me is not needed.

Adam Forslund
Former DP turned Lawyer

Ektachrome as the 21st Century Kodachrome

The release of the updated Ektachrome 100D 7294 has generated some interesting online material, including this Spanish site:

Google Translate’s attempt

Unpicking the machine translation I have:

There is no more cinephilic sensation than to see projected a reversal original ( that is, the same physical film, in positive, that was in the places of filming ) with a good device, in this case, THE BEAST OF A FUMEO : the most powerful Super 8 projector ever, the only and inimitable Fumeo Xenon Stereo 9145 HD2000 with 500 watts of xenon!: Very few units were made, all handmade. Every time one left Via Teocrito, 47, the bells of Milan Cathedral sounded!

Ignacio Benedeti Corzo

Spanish original web page:

Accessed 07/12/18

That harks back to my writing about the German filmmaker Milena Gierke  projecting her camera originals – being there beside the camera’s gate in the past and the projector gate in the present.

In the film below at 13’ 48” Ignacio Benedeti Corzo states “if Kodachrome was the colour of the 20th century, Ektachrome is the colour of the 21st!”

FERROL 7294 (First Kodak Ektachrome 100D 7294 Super8 4K ever)