Film of Dust – to the lab!

Today I took a strip of Super 8, a strip of Standard 8 and a strip of 16mm to the Plymouth University’s Electron Microscopy Centre. In a ziplock bag was also the single frame of Super 8 cut from the from the (physically) unedited Womad  film – the act of cutting is in the video below:

The footage was shot as the journey of a flâneur along the coastal path – the liminal land/sea southern boundary of the City of Plymouth. The flâneur, in the modernist sense, seemed an appropriate stance for the filmmaker as the route traversed the varied and disparate results of urban planning, from the semi-derelict industrial to accessible tourist spots. Patrick Keiller suggests:

“The present day flâneur carries a camera” and warns of “the lonely life of the street photographer, who acts the flâneur in the hope of recording glimpses of the marvellous with his camera. His is a difficult task, for poetic insights so rarely survive their capture on the emulsion.” (Keiller, 1981/2)

The Film

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