Essay Film and Narrative Techniques: Screenwriting Non-fiction

First Symposium of the BAFTSS ‘Essay Film’ Research Group
18 and 19 November 2017, University of York, UK
Organised by BAFTSS and The Interdisciplinary Centre for Narrative Studies, University of York

Troubling dialogues: fitting words into place

Nicosia graffiti on underground car park


By Stuart Moore and Kayla Parker

This paper examines the screenwriting processes developed during the creation of a collaborative essay film. The strategy emerges through its authors’ shared production experience, allowing the intertwining of their subjectivities with political and social histories. Using their practice research project, Father-land as a case study, the authors critically reflect on their evolving dialogic methodology developed through collaboration.

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Plymouth University Arts Institute brochure features Father-land project


Plymouth University Arts Institute brochure about last year’s Cyprus residency.

Father-land: troubled dialogues in a divided island

Words and pictures: Kayla Parker and Stuart Moore

The practice research conducted by Kayla Parker and her colleague Stuart Moore at University of the West of England, Bristol, investigates notions of home and (dis)placement in the divided island of Cyprus. Through intertwining subjectivities with political and social histories, the legacies of colonialism, occupation, and the Cold War, the research outcomes will be shared as an essay film, a poetic form of documentary that blurs traditional genre boundaries, being a form of non-fiction that employs fictional techniques.

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